Since January 26, 2015, Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) conducted a soft launching of One Stop Services (OSS) systemby President Joko Widodo. With regard to this matter, in the future investors no longer need to apply licenses in numerous ministriesin Indonesia. BKPM will provide a recordationof it.The purpose of OSS system is the achievement of the licensing process is fast, simple, transparent and integrated.
There are 22 (twenty two) ministries/institutions involved in OSS, such as: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (10 group permits), Ministry of Environment and Forestry (35 group permits), Ministry of Industry (11 group permits), Ministry of Agrarian, Spatial and National Land Agency (1 group permit), Ministry of Trade ( 7 group permits), Ministry of Agriculture (5 group permits), Ministry of Finance (2 group permits), Ministry of Transportation (7 group permits), Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (1 group permit), Ministry of Health (9 group permits), Ministry of Tourism (19 group permits), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (14 group permits), Ministry of Employment (5 group permits), Ministry of Public Works and Housing (7 group permits), Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs (1 group permits), Ministry of Education and Culture (1 group permits), Ministry of Defense (1 group permits), Indonesian National Police (1 group permits), National Agency of Drugs and Foods Controls/BPOM (1 group permits), National Standardization Agency of Indonesia/BSN (1 group permits), State Cryptography Agency/LEMSANEG, PT. PLN (Persero).
OSS center ready to serve all areas of business investment license, except oil and gas upstream and banking sector. Investors who want to apply for a permit in Ministry/Agencyas mentioned above do not have to go back and forth to the Ministry to apply licenses. The process will be just as simple as come to BKPM and go toward the desk of each ministry or agency that is required for the permit.