Our managing partner, Insan Budi Maulana, was invited by Regional Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah – DPD) on March 18th and April 2nd to provide input, ideas, comments, and review of the proposed draft of patent law.
Some amendments in the propose draft of patent law includes:
- To include “computer program” as a patentable matter
- To include “system” as a patentable matter
- To remove Article 161 on penalties related to health and environment
- To emphasize the inventor should be human, not artificial intelligence
- To include a Declaration Letter for any invention that contains genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge
- The proposed draft allows applicants to submit applications within four months after the priority period ends, subject to a fee.
- Applicant could request for early substantive examination provided that the application is declared complete.
At this stage, the proposed draft of patent law is still being discussed among government, minister, and experts.
We will keep you updated on the progress of the propose patent law.
Need legal assistance? Contact us at info@maulanalawfirm.com
Additional reference:
- https://dpd.go.id/daftar-berita/komite-ii-dpd-ri-upayakan-revisi-uu-paten-lahirkan-dan-melindungi-inovasi-anak-bangsa
- https://dpd.go.id/daftar-berita/komite-ii-minta-agar-revisi-uu-paten-atur-perlindungan-potensi-sumber-daya-genetik-di-daerah
- https://dgip.go.id/index.php/artikel/detail-artikel/djki-rdp-ruu-paten-dengan-dpd-ri?kategori=agenda-ki