Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Seminar 2015

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Seminar 2015 “
The Effect of the ASEAN Single Market in 2015 to the IP Protection”
-10 February 2015 at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta-


The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Seminar 2015 with theme “The Effect of the ASEAN Single Market in 2015 to the IP Protection” was held on 10 February 2015 at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta with 4 (four) Japanese speakers from Japan Patent Office (“JPO”), Asia-Pacific lndustrial Property Center- Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation (“APIC-JIPII”),Toyosaki & Associates and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (“ERIA”) as well as 2 (two) Indonesian speakers from Directorate of Cooperation and Promotion of Directorate General of Intellectual Property Right (“DGIPR”) and Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia.The seminar was attended by 97 (ninety seven) participants from Law Firm, Government, Company and University.

The seminar was firstly start with an opening ceremony and the first speech was from Mr. Insan Budi Maulana as the Indonesian Intellectual Property Alumni Association(“IIPAA”)Coordinator followed by Ms. Sachio Yoshino as the representative of JPO. Mr. Ahmad M. Ramli, who now holds the position as the Director General at the DGIPR, also took part in the event as a keynote speaker.

insan budi maulana

Mr. Insan Budi Maulana (IIPAA Coordinator)


Ms. Sachio Yoshino (Deputy Director, International Cooperation Division of JPO)

Mr. Ahmad M. Ramli (Director General at the Directorate of General Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR))

Mr. Ahmad M. Ramli
(Director General at the Directorate of General Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR))

The seminar was divided into 2 (two)sessions. The seminar materials in the first session was delivered by Ms. Sachio Yoshino as Deputy Director, International Cooperation Division of JPO who talked about IP Policy for Sustainable Economic Development in Japan and by Ms. Ika Ahyani Kurniawati, Head of PromotionDGIPR, who shared a knowledge regarding IP Development in Indonesia. The third speaker for the first session was Mr. Takao Ogiya as Director General of APIC-JIPII who presented material regarding Japan’s Experience of Strategic IPR Acquisition Utilizing PCT and PPH Systems.

Ms. Sachio Yoshino (Deputy Director, International Cooperation Division of JPO)

Ms. Sachio Yoshino
(Deputy Director, International Cooperation Division of JPO)

Ms. Ika Ahyani Kurniawati, (Head of Promotion, Directorate General of Intellectual Property Right)

Ms. Ika Ahyani Kurniawati,
(Head of Promotion, Directorate General of Intellectual Property Right)


Mr. Takao Ogiya (Director General of APIC-JIPII)

Mr. Takao Ogiya
(Director General of APIC-JIPII)

The second session of the seminar took place at the same date, was involving Ms. Reiko Toyosaki (Attorney, Toyosaki & Associates) who shared her keen knowledge about Outline of Madrid Protocol and its Utilization in Japan and Mr. Agus Sardjono as a Lecturer of Intellectual Property, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, who presented material regarding to the Position of Indonesia in IP among the ASEAN Countries.

 Ms. Reiko Toyosaki (Attorney, Toyosaki & Associates, Japan)

Ms. Reiko Toyosaki
(Attorney, Toyosaki & Associates, Japan)


Mr. Agus Sardjono ( Lecturer of IP, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia)

Mr. Agus Sardjono
( Lecturer of IP, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia)

In the end of the second session was a special speech from Mr. Shimpei Yamamoto, Managing Director Research AffairsERIA who delivered a material with title Report on Research of Economics and IP in ASEAN Member States.The seminar ran succesfully due to a good cooperation between all parties who took part in this event. We surely hope this kind of event can still be held in the upcoming years.

Mr. Shimpei Yamamoto (Managing Director Research Affairs, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and EAST Asia (ERIA))

Mr. Shimpei Yamamoto
(Managing Director Research Affairs, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and EAST Asia (ERIA))




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